Saturday, April 2, 2011

Feeding the Blog

Sorry about the not posting in awhile...

Regional Science Fair
Lets just say the Regional science fair was, uh, fun?
yeah, it was fun. It was also a lot of other things.
I would call it surprising, unexpected, and tiring.

But, yeah I won 6 awards total.

§ BYU Central Utah Science and Engineering Fair computer science first place winner
§ 2nd place winner of the BYU CUSEF Symantec Software Scholarshop
§ Winner of the Stevens-Henager College 2011 $10,000 scholarship award
§ Winner of the BYU Dean’s Award
§ Winner of the Westminster College $4,000 scholarship award
§ Winner of the Intel Excellence in Computer Science Award

It was very fun, I got to go up on stage a bunch and do the whole bowing thing.
At one point, I was walking back to my seat (after receiving an award) and my name got called as I was about 5 feet away. So i gave my award to my dad and walked right back up. :)

My Next Game

I created a new google project page for my new multiplayer game
I also set up subversion control (super confusing!) so you can browse the source code. As I have said before, I'm using Twisted for the networking. At this point, I have a decent understanding of how to send info back and forth between the client and server, The issue i'm trying to overcome at this point is just creating pygame sprite objects and controlling them using player input. Its been very frustrating, but It may just end up working.


  1. Awesome job! Congrats on the awards and the scholarships!! That should serve as some solid motivation to keep moving forward. :)

    I look forward to seeing what you pull off with this next project. Networking/online play is something I still haven't really messed with in Python yet. I might mess around and learn something, heh.

  2. Thank you sir!
    Yeah I've got some good ideas for it (not all of which i am willing to tell :) )
    My main goal is to have the game be a fun multiplayer party game. That I could see myself playing at LAN parties. If that happens, well, lets just say I hope I can make that happen.
