Incorrect map loading
Infinite money glitch *see bellow
Infinite game loop depth *see bellow
balancing issues
all of which will be fixed in the 2.11
-----*Infinite money glitch-----
I think this is pretty funny :) I never thought I would have this happen to me. Generally speaking, infinite money glitches are very sought after and result in a lot of google searches. It's because this is a glitch that people like. I mean, I think its cool! After you go play and experience everything the game has to offer, you search infinite money glitch and it opens up all this crazy new stuff.
this glitch happens if you sell a tower more than one time. Heres the code before I fixed the glitch:
elif event.key in [pygame.K_4, pygame.K_s]:
if not placing_tower:
if turret_selected:
game_map.set_collision(, 'open') # open the tile
And here is after I fixed the glitch
elif event.key in [pygame.K_4, pygame.K_s]:
if not placing_tower:
if turret_selected:
turret_selected = None
game_map.set_collision(, 'open') # open the tile
As you can see, the only change is that turret_selected is set to none. Before I fixed it, You could basically sell the same tower multiple times. But obviously, it was a pretty easy fix.
-----*infinite game loop depth-----
this is how I used to set up the menu hierarchy
def start_game():
def pick_map():
def start_gameplay():
# main loop stuff
if user_wants_to_pick_map:
if user_wants_to_start_over:
so theoretically, you could play the game, pick a new map, continue to play the game, pick a new map, continue to play the game, pick a new map... You get the idea.
The bottom line is, that this way worked, but It was a terrible way to do it. Here is an example of an error you could get.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/student/Desktop/Color Tower Defense/Scripts/Color Tower", line 722, in <module>
File "/Users/student/Desktop/Color Tower Defense/Scripts/Color Tower", line 715, in main
File "/Users/student/Desktop/Color Tower Defense/Scripts/Color Tower", line 713, in start_main_menu
File "/Users/student/Desktop/Color Tower Defense/Scripts/Color Tower", line 678, in start_map_select
File "/Users/student/Desktop/Color Tower Defense/Scripts/Color Tower", line 713, in start_main_menu
File "/Users/student/Desktop/Color Tower Defense/Scripts/Color Tower", line 678, in start_map_select
File "/Users/student/Desktop/Color Tower Defense/Scripts/Color Tower", line 713, in start_main_menu
File "/Users/student/Desktop/Color Tower Defense/Scripts/Color Tower", line 575, in start_map_select
info_bar.display_info(build_turret_button.turret_type, 'upgrade info', False)
File "/Users/student/Desktop/Color Tower Defense/Scripts/", line 69, in display_info
if self.displaying_message == False: # if nothing is already displaying, then we can display something new
AttributeError: 'Info_Bar' object has no attribute 'displaying_message'
This error message basically says:
*in a intelligent voice, robot like voice.
inside of the main game, inside of the main menu, inside of the map selection screen, inside of the main menu, inside of the map selection screen, inside of the main menu, inside of the map selection screen, there is an error on line 69 of the HUD module.
Haha, Thats really ridiculous.
Anyways the new way i'm doing it involves while loops
running_program = True
running_map_selection = True
running_main_loop = True
while running_program:
while running_map_selection:
while running_main_loop:
#main loop stuff
if user_wants_to_pick_map:
running_main_loop = False
if user_wants_to_start_over:
running_main_loop = False
running_map_selection = False
if user_quits:
running_main_loop = False
running_map_selection = False
running_program = False
It actually works very well, and was easy to change all my code over to fit this new model. Im happy with it.
Color Tower Defense 2.11 is coming out soon. Stay tuned!
Josh, it cracks me up to get a glimpse of programming humor!:)